02/24/2023 Update
Starting from April 2023, our church will remove all remaining Covid Guidelines. While the virus has not gone away, we thank God for His protection and provision during the pandemic. We thank our members for your past cooperation, and encourage your sustained vigilance and consideration of others when feeling ill.
1/25/2023 Update
We praise God for the technology that made it possible for us to worship online throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as our pastors and coworker’s diligence in adapting to the online format of ministry. After much prayers and discussions, our pastors and elders believe that it is time for us to discontinue the live-streaming of our Sunday Worship Services in May. Below are some of the reasons that led to this decision.
1. Live-stream is not a substitute for in-person worship.
Live-streaming a worship service is not inherently wrong, but we don’t want to unintentionally communicate that an online service can substitute an in-person church gathering. We have always maintained that online worship during the beginning of Covid was a temporal solution; it is not a sufficient substitute for the in-person worship.
Those who joins the live-stream participates primarily by worshipping as individuals. In this sense, the saints are not gathered, and the worship is not corporate. In contrast, we believe the New Testament defines a church as an assembly of Christians gathered for worship. For this reason, the author of Hebrews tells us to not neglect meeting together (Heb. 10:25).
Therefore, we believe that the Lord has created us for community and in-person worships has deep significance for our faith and our church’s mission to make disciples of all nations. Additionally, we also believe that when a local church gathers together for worship, something supernatural happens which cannot be replicated in a live-stream.
2. We need our coworkers to use their time ministering in other ways.
Due to the many challenges the pandemic has created for the church, our coworkers are already running low on bandwidth. The extra requirements and manpower necessary to run a live-stream adds to the burden upon our coworkers. Therefore, by not doing a live-stream, our coworkers can make better use of their time elsewhere, ensuring our church body is cared for.
3. What about those who cannot attend in-person worship due to age or physical health reasons?
This is the most compelling argument to us. As much as we want to serve these people and should work hard to minister to them, the principle still holds true that to livestream a worship service cannot substitute in-person worship. It is more important for us to recognize their need for personal contact with other believers and corporate worship, and to find creative ways for doing so.
4. What about the opportunities for outreach and to connect with people who have moved away?
As mentioned above, live-streaming a worship service is not inherently wrong; we just don’t think it is best for us. There are many churches who do live-stream, as well as websites or radio ministries out there that are already providing access to the gospel online. In saying that, even the best online experience is not a sufficient substitute for the in-person worship.
The best way to serve those who have moved away is not keeping them tied to our church’s worship, finances, and membership roll. The best way to serve them is to encourage them to connect with a local church where they live.
Ultimately, there are a number of reasons for our decision to discontinue the live-streaming of our Sunday Worship Services. While we may disagree on the best approach during this season, please know that there are no easy answers. Your pastors and elders have prayed and discussed this option at length and determined that there are better ways we can equip and encourage the saints of WCAC for this moment. We continue to pray that the Lord works mightily in us as individuals and as a church family, when we’re gathered and when we’re apart.
8/4/2022 Update
Dear brothers and sisters, there is a BIG change to our Covid Guidelines. It has been two and a half years since our world and lives have been transformed by Covid 19. Over this period, we are so thankful that God has kept us safe and despite many catching Covid, most of our members if not all have recovered. Although unwillingly, we are increasingly getting accustomed to a new normal, a world where Covid will continue to exist in different variants and we grow increasingly familiar with how to adjust to the ebb and flow of Covid community levels. As we become more familiar with the new normal, we believe it is time to ease our Covid Guidelines further. Therefore, from August onwards, our Covid Guidelines will be as follows:
Masks are recommended but not required.
Please stay home if you have tested positive for Covid, for at least 5 full days.
That’s it. These are the only two guidelines from August onwards. This means that we won’t be adjusting our guidelines according to the Covid community levels/colors anymore. It also means that we have lifted all restrictions for food, drinks, and sports within the church building.
We believe that such a shift is in keeping with our government’s policies, where Covid regulations such as masks are no longer mandated in schools, airports, and public transportations. Secondly, we are a church with people of diverse ethnic, culture and backgrounds, hence there is no one guideline that will serve everyone equally. Thirdly, we hope that the easing of our Covid Guideline will help to alleviate the tensions and burdens involved when enforcing the guidelines, tensions and burdens that are felt equally by coworkers as well as new visitors. Finally, food plays an important role of our church’s culture and an important ingredient for vibrant fellowships. Therefore, we hope to promote more opportunities for fellowship by lifting the restrictions on food and drinks in the building, especially since fellowship is so important to our faith, but this aspect has suffered tremendously in the past two and a half years.
For the above reasons and more, we will ease our Covid Guideline from August onwards. As in the past, our guideline will be reviewed regularly and may change to adapt to the ever-changing COVID situation as well as any new rules mandated by government authorities.
Christ be with you!
WCAC Pastors and Board of Elders