不斷成長的生命(Growing Faith)
彼得後書 (Peter 2) 1:1-15
信而順服的果效—良伴同行 互為祝福-5 (The Effect of Trust & Obey- Good Companionship & Mutual Blessings-5)
腓利門書(Philemon) 17-22
真實地經歷-良伴同行、互為祝福-4 (Experiencing Companionship and Mutual Blessings-4)
腓利門書(Philemon) 7-16
基督和萬有 Christ and All Things
歌罗西书 Colossians 1:15-17
恩惠與平安-良伴同行互為同伴(2) Grace & Peace-Be Good Companions to One Another (2)
腓利門書 Philemon 1-3
使人和睦的智慧-良伴同行、互為祝福(1)Wisdom of Peacemaking—Be a Blessing to One Another (1)
腓利門書 Philemon 1-3
感恩與盼望 Thanksgiving & Hope
詩篇 Psalm 67
我們是基督的精兵 (We Are Soldiers of Christ)
提摩太後書(2 Timothy) 2:1-7
在世界中宣告圣诞佳音 (Proclaiming the Good News to the Whole World)
路加福音Luke 2:8-15
上帝成爲嬰孩 (God Became a Baby)
路加福音(Luke) 2:8-21
我們是彼此相顧的人 (We Are People Who Care for One Another)
馬太福音 (Matthew) 25:31-46
我們是有聖靈保惠的人 (We Are the Ones Blessed by the Holy Spirit)
約翰福音 (John) 14:15-21
凡事谢恩的人生 (Give Thanks in All Circumstances)
贴撒罗尼迦前书 (1 Thessalonians) 5:16-18
傳福音的指南A Guide to Evangelism
约翰福音John 4:1-26
我們是效法基督的人We Are Emulators of Christ
腓立比書Philippians 2:6-11
神話語的能力 (We Are People Who Obey Christ)
以斯拉记(Ezra) 1:1-11
我們是順服基督的人 (We Are People Who Obey Christ)
彼得前書(I Peter) 1:1-2、启示录(Revelation) 3:14-22
花環與石頭 (Wreaths and Stones)
使徒行传(Acts) 14:1-28
我們是耶穌的門徒 We Are Disciples of Jesus
路加福音 Luke 14:25-33
我們是上帝的兒女 We Are Children of God
約翰壹書 1 John 3:1-3