原是為此( That Is Why I Was Sent)
路加福音 (Luke) 4: 31-44
未識之神 (An Unknown God)
使徒行傳 (Acts) 17: 16-34
悦納 (Acceptance)
路加福音 (Luke) 4: 16-30
勝利(下) Victory (II)
路加福音 (Luke) 4: 1-15
勝利(上) Victory (I)
路加福音 Luke 4: 1-15
當作的事 Things that Ought to Be Done
路加福音 Luke 3: 7-22
施洗約翰 John the Baptist
路加福音 Luke 3: 1-6
孩童耶穌 Child Jesus
路加福音 Luke 2: 41-52
年終講約瑟之死教我們怎樣生 (“A Deadman’s Bones” :End of Year Talk on the Death of Joseph Teaches Us How to Live)
創世記 (Genesis) 50: 22-26;希伯來書 (Hebrews) 11: 22
為你而生 (Born to You)
路加福音 (Luke) 2: 10-11
極力揚聲 (Lift up Your Voice with a Shout)
以賽亞書(Isaiah) 40: 9-11
最好的聖誕禮物 (The Best Christmas Gift)
馬太福音 (Matthew) 1: 18-25
荒涼之城 (Devastated Cities)
以賽亞書 (Isaiah) 61: 1-4
耶穌—復興的聖殿 (Jesus — Restored Temple)
路加福音 (Luke) 19: 37-48
謝恩Give Thanks
以斯拉記 Ezra 10: 10-12
以感謝獻上 Offering with Thanks
詩篇 Psalm 50: 23 & 路加福音 Luke 17: 11-19
施恩To Be Gracious
以斯拉記 Ezra 9: 1-15
美事與中傷(A Beautiful Devotion and a Devastating Betrayal)
馬太福音 (Matthew) 26: 1-16
事奉神的家 - 不能是但、求其、隨便 (Serving at God’s House Cannot Be Careless)
以斯拉記 (Ezra) 8: 15
約但河立石為記 Set up Memorial Stones at the Jordan River
約書亞記 Joshua 4: 1-7, 19-24