我們是有聖靈保惠的人 (We Are the Ones Blessed by the Holy Spirit)
約翰福音 (John) 14:15-21
凡事谢恩的人生 (Give Thanks in All Circumstances)
贴撒罗尼迦前书 (1 Thessalonians) 5:16-18
我們是順服基督的人 (We Are People Who Obey Christ)
彼得前書(I Peter) 1:1-2、启示录(Revelation) 3:14-22
我们是得着救恩的人(We Are the Ones Who Have Received Salvation)
利未记(Leviticus) 16:1-10,20-22
我們是誰?Who Are We?
創世記(Genesis) 1:26, 11:4; 馬太福音(Matthew) 28:19; 使徒行傳(Acts) 1:8
蒙福的職場—在聖潔和光明中行事為人(7) Blessed Workplace-- Walking in Holiness and Light(7)
以弗所書Ephesians 6:5-9
蒙福的家教 - 在聖潔和光明中行事為人VI (A Blessed Upbringing Walking in Holiness & Light VI )
以弗所書(Ephesians) 6: 1-4
蒙福的婚姻 - 在聖潔和光明中行事為人(V)(A Blessed Marriage Walking in Holiness & Light V)
以弗所書(Ephesians) 5:22-33
行在智慧中,被聖靈充滿 - 在聖潔和光明中行事為人(IV) (Filled with Wisdom of Holy Spirit Walk in Holiness & Light IV)
以弗所書 Ephesians 5:15-20
脫離黑暗、行在光中 - 在聖潔和光明中行事為人(III) Leave Darkness and Walk in Holiness & Light (III)
以弗所書 Ephesians 5:7-14
才德的婦人 —— 智慧人生的典範 A Virtuous Woman -- An Example of Wise Life
箴言Proverbs 31:10-31
事奉神的家 - 不能是但、求其、隨便 (Serving at God’s House Cannot Be Careless)
以斯拉記 (Ezra) 8: 15
自潔成聖. 作主工 (Cleansing Ourselves and Made Holy to Do God’s Work)
提後2 (Timothy 2): 19-21
以詩篇五十一篇來開下半年(Starting the 2nd Half of the Year with Psalm 51)
詩篇 (Psalm) 51: 1-19