Facilities Use Policy and Agreement
Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church (WCAC) and non-profit community groups are invited to use the facilities of WCAC according to the following guidelines. WCAC has provided the facilities as a place for all people to gather to worship God through Jesus Christ and to demonstrate Christian love with fellowship and gathering. This property belongs to the Christian Missionary Alliance and is entrusted to our congregations for ministry with proper stewardship. The Governing Board of WCAC is responsible for the oversight and use of WCAC property. Events that desire to be held at WCAC must adhere to all the guidelines of WCAC. Facilities are not available for the following purposes: partisan political, religious inconsistent with Christian values, or commercial organizations. Any permit to use WCAC facilities is revocable and non-transferable and WCAC’s governing authority may reject any application or cancel any permit.
Individuals and Groups Who May Use the Facilities
In general, the following groups may request to use the facilities of WCAC:
Uses and groups directly related to WCAC ministries
Uses and groups related to WCAC members
Wedding, funerals, etc
Uses and groups or organizations aimed at spiritual growth or outreach
Seminars, Concerts
Uses and groups for non-profit organization purposes
Recitals, World Relief
The usage from the first category is not required to submit a written application for use of the facilities but must coordinate with ministries for facility availability in order to avoid conflicts. Preference will be given to this group when calendar or other scheduling conflicts occur.
All other categories must submit a written application. The application will be received by the church administrator. The Board of Elders holds the right to empower an authorizing group of the church for facility use decisions. However, any usage that involves a new ministry or organization must first be approved by the Board of Elders.
When allowing the use of our facility, many issues are raised in the areas of security, damages, and liability so groups or organizations seeking use of WCAC facilities will be assessed a fee to cover any costs or expenses to WCAC in making the facility available. WCAC reserves the right to make the facilities available free of charge for any program it deems merits exception by the Board of Elders. If a party using our church has no insurance coverage, then WCAC must talk to its insurance agent to see how to handle it. The Board of Elders reserves the right to decide how to proceed forward. If WCAC sponsors or hosts the event, then it will become part of our church activities and is covered.
Any group or organization using the facilities of WCAC shall agree to abide in good faith by WCAC rules and regulations, which may be amended from time to time. Failure to follow the rules and regulations in good faith may cause WCAC to deny access to that particular group or organization. WCAC requests that for all functions held at the church, a member of WCAC must be present.
At present, the rules and regulations are as follows:
An applicant or user shall remember at all times that they are occupying a place of Christian worship and shall not undertake or permit any activity or conduct inconsistent therewith.
An applicant or user shall hold harmless WCAC from any liability for bodily injury and/or property damage incurred while using the facility. An applicant or user also shall be liable for any damage to church property incurred by their use of the facilities. A group or organization must present insurance liability coverage or must make adjustments for such coverage.
An applicant or user shall maintain order during the use of WCAC and restore the facility to its prior condition immediately following the use.
An applicant or user shall not use the facilities if the number of persons meeting exceeds the number allowed by the local law enforcement or fire agencies.
An applicant or user shall not smoke or use any alcohol or illegal substances in the WCAC facilities.
An applicant or user shall not use WCAC equipment, except as the user is permitted to do so by WCAC.
An applicant or user shall not alter or decorate the facility without permission.
An applicant or user shall not continue to use the facilities beyond the designated time. Activities must be terminated to allow sufficient time for the facility to be cleared by the appointed hour.
An applicant or user is only permitted in the portion of WCAC designated for the meeting. Applicants or users should not be in other areas of WCAC or its facilities without the express permission of WCAC.
It shall be the duty of each applicant to apprise its members and guests of these rules and regulations and to make sure that they are enforced.
If the applicant should have any questions or concerns with respect to any of the rules and regulations, the applicant should not hesitate to contact WCAC.
Room Fee
Sanctuary (including audio visual equipment & support) $40/hr, max $160
Sanctuary (excluding audio visual equipment) $30/hr, max $120
Fellowship Hall and Multi-purpose Room, Kitchen $35/hr, max $140
One room (any size) $15/hr, max $60
Two Rooms (any sizes) $20/hr, max $80
Three Rooms (any sizes) $25/hr, max $100
Four or more Rooms (any sizes) $30/hr, max $120
Minimum charge per use: $60
Any deviation from this fee schedule would require the Building Committee’s approval.
Date of event______________________
Rooms Needed _______________________________________________________________
Day & Date(s) needed ______________________ Hours _____________to _______________
(Include set-up & clean-up)
Name of organization_______________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________ City ______________________ State ____ Zip ___________
Name of representative (print) _______________________________________________________
Title ______________________________ Phone _________________ FAX________________
Please give a brief description of your group or organization ______________________________________________________________________________
What type of activity/event is planned for use of the Church’s building?______________________________________________________________________
Anticipated Attendance _______________________
Do you have a certification of liability? Yes or NoDo you agree to all the rules and regulations and the fees required for WCAC facility use? Yes or No
Signature of applicant__________________________________________________________ Date ___________________
For Office Use: Date of application received ______________ Certificate of Insurance received ______________)_________