Child Protection and Child Care Policy
Childcare Provider Guidelines
The following guidelines are applicable to any WCAC functions where adults interact with infants and children up to 10 years of age. These functions include but are not limited to Children Sunday School, Children Worship, nursery activities, Small Group meetings and special events such as evangelistic meetings where childcare is generally needed.
The following guidelines are designed to protect the children as well as the adults:
A childcare coordinator should be assigned for any WCAC functions requiring children interactions. In most cases the ministry leader or special event leader can be designated as the coordinator. The childcare coordinator is responsible for ensuring the childcare arrangement adheres to the WCAC policy
The childcare provider should be screened based on C&MA guidelines (see section on Childcare Provider screening)
Two-Adult Rule: whenever possible, two non-related childcare providers should be present when supervising children. The childcare providers should be nearby each other at all times
Visibility Rule: in situations where only one childcare provider is present, the childcare provider should stay in a visible location with the children at all times where others can see their activities
We strongly prefer mature Christians to serve as childcare providers at WCAC. While childcare providers are generally adults or college students, youth 14 years or older can be eligible to serve as a childcare provider. In the case of youth, we strongly prefer those who are children of WCAC members or children of mature Christian parents
If childcare is staffed entirely with youth, the childcare coordinator should ensure periodic, unannounced inspections of the childcare rooms at least once an hour
Childcare Provider Screening
WCAC requires all childcare providers to go through a formal eligibility screening process prior to performing any childcare duties. The screening process includes two parts:
Background check provided by an external vendor (add link here)
Completion of a WCAC childcare questionnaire related to the person’s objectives and intent in providing childcare (add link here)
Eligibility is generally renewed every 3(?) years. WCAC will keep all information submitted confidential. Individuals who are not willing to participate in this process will be in-eligible to serve as childcare provider in WCAC.
Paying for Childcare Service
Generally, providing childcare during WCAC functions is a voluntary activity similar to other activities performed as part of a ministry. As an example there are no budget provisions for childcare during regular church functions such as nursery help during Sunday services. There are, however, certain functions where hiring for childcare service is financially supported by WCAC due to practicality or special needs where it may be challenging to find volunteers.
Currently there are two ministry areas where childcare service can be expensed through WCAC:
Special events including all-church events or language-specific ministry events sponsored by WCAC. This generally includes mission conferences and evangelical meetings
Note that on occasion WCAC permits outside organizations and individuals to host events at our church property. In those situations, it is the event host’s responsibility to pay for childcare costs. However, the childcare provider guidelines and screening policy stated in this document are to be enforced.
Small Group meetings, i.e., meetings held either at WCAC or homes of our church members where the small groups are formally recognized by WCAC’s Small Group Ministry. Childcare financial support for small groups are based on the needs of the particular small groups (see details below).
Childcare costs that are expensed through WCAC should adhere to the following budget guidelines:
The need-based principle requires that the leader of the particular small group apply their judgment on whether 1. Paid childcare is required, and 2. Reimbursement by WCAC is needed in order not to put undue burden on the families involved
WCAC does rely on the small group leaders to apply their best judgement in determining childcare needs for their small group and review the needs on a regular basis. We recognize that individual small group situations are different and the small group leaders are in the best position to evaluate their childcare-related needs
The guideline for childcare provider to children ratio is 1 to 5. I.e., if more than five children are expected to attend the event, a second childcare provider should be hired. Events that require more than two childcare providers will require prior approval by the Board of Ministries
The current childcare reimbursement rates are as follows:
College students or adults - $15/hour
High School students 14 years or older - $12/hour
Childcare reimbursement is generally based on a 2-hour limit. I.e., while an event itself can last longer, the portion that requires childcare is generally 2 hours or less. This guideline applies to both special events and small group meetings