當上帝不似預期 When God Is Not As Expected
撒母耳記上 1 Samuel 4: 1-11
又關我事? Is It Any of My Business?
尼希米記 Nehemiah 1: 1-11
我神的手 My God’s Hand
以斯拉記 Ezra 7: 1-6, 27-28
殿修成了 The Temple Is Completed
以斯拉記 Ezra 6: 14-15
神的眼目 (The Eye of God)
以斯拉記 (Ezra) 5: 1-5
結果子的生命 (A Life That Bears Fruit)
馬太福音 (Matthew) 7: 16-20
亞伯拉罕之終極奉獻 (Abraham's Ultimate Offering)
創世記 (Genesis) 22: 1-14
新酒裝在新皮袋 (New Wine in New Wineskins)
路加福音(Luke) 5: 36-39
順順利利? (Smooth Sailing?)
以斯拉記 (Ezra) 4: 1-4, 17-24
自潔成聖. 作主工 (Cleansing Ourselves and Made Holy to Do God’s Work)
提後2 (Timothy 2): 19-21
呼喊之聲! (Great Shouts)
以斯拉記 (Ezra) 3: 10-13
坐言起行 (Words into Action)
以斯拉記 (Ezra) 2: 1-2, 64-70
以詩篇五十一篇來開下半年(Starting the 2nd Half of the Year with Psalm 51)
詩篇 (Psalm) 51: 1-19
事奉中的突破(Breakthroughs in Ministry)
撒母耳記上 (1 Samuel) 13: 1-15
作父親(Being a Father)
創世記 (Genesis) 37: 1-11
激動人的神(The God Who Moves People)
以斯拉記 (Ezra) 1: 1-11
我要講耶穌 (Let’s Share about Jesus)
使徒行傳 (Acts) 10:34-38
分散的人 (Scattered People)
使徒行傳 (Acts) 8: 1-4
等待 (Waiting)
使徒行傳 (Acts) 1: 6-11
思念上面的事 Set Your Minds on Things Above
歌羅西書 Colossians 3: 1-4