水變為酒 (Turning Water into Wine)
約翰福音 (John) 2: 1-11
相見歡 (A Happy Meeting)
馬太福音(Matthew) 2:1-12
看聖誕 (Watching Christmas)
路加福音 (Luke) 2:8-18
天使之歌 (The Song of Angels)
路加福音 (Luke) 2:8-18
誰摸了我的衣服? Who Touched My Garment?
馬可福音Mark 5: 21-34
感恩的回應Thanksgiving Response
路加福音 (Luke)19: 1-10
扭轉生命的夢(呼召) #3: 先苦後甜? A Life-Changing Dream (Calling) #3:Tasting Bitterness Before Sweetness?
創世記Genesis 37: 12-14, 18-28 & 36; 39: 1-6
Read More令人不安的恩典Disturbing Grace
約拿書Jonah 4: 1-11
不厭其煩 Taking the Trouble
彼得後書2 Peter 3: 1-2
平凡的人 超凡的神 Ordinary Man Extraordinary God
約拿書Jonah 3:1-10
小心! 假貨有害 (Be Aware of the Destructive False Teachings)
彼得後書 (2Peter) 2: 1-3
是禍 是福 等神定案? (A Disaster or a Blessing, Let God Judge?)
創世記 (Genesis) 37: 1-3, 28-36; 39: 1-6
建造與拆毀 (Building and Tearing Down)
彼得後書(II Peter) 1: 12-15
患難中的憐憫(Mercy in Distress)
約拿書(Jonah) 2: 1-10
為何是我(Why Me?)
創世記Genesis 50: 15-21
動態的信仰(Dynamic Faith)
彼得後書(2 Peter) 1: 5-11)